Message from the Outgoing President - Ten Years Ago

Looking back over a decade gives some perspective to our lives, as well as to the Maryland Apple Corps. Our User Group came into existence in 1978. While I can’t trace my personal association back that far, as some can, my son was involved in the founding of the group. Ten years ago there were about as many members as we have now – we also had about the same amount of money in our modest bank account. Pete Saybolt was President and I was Vice-President, having attended some board meetings and shown interest in the group. I became President unofficially in March 1997 and officially at the May elections that year.

In the computer world change is, as most everyone knows, extremely rapid, and seems to be accelerating. I remember my son’s hopes that my Mac II would last me 5 years. Now a three-year old computer is almost obsolete. Floppy disks, SCSI, Syquist, ZIP, have come and gone. Under $100 color printers, flat screens, Wi-Fi, phones that take pictures, “i” everything – iPod, iLife, iMac, iChat, iSight, etc. and especially the Internet, are here now. The speed and capacity of computers is now measured in Gigabytes – I thought I would never use up the 40 Megabyte hard drive of my Mac II.

How about the Maryland Apple Corps? We published an award-winning newsletter every other month that contained 20 pages and even advertisements. I just looked at an article written by Mical Carton entitled, “What is a URL?” Now we have no newsletter but we do have a web site. Ten years ago we had raffles and door prizes at almost every meeting. Sometimes valuable equipment and prizes, like the new, at that time, ZIP drive, were raffled. Speakers from Apple, Microsoft, Adobe and other major computer and software companies demonstrated their latest products.

Perhaps the most memorable recent meeting of the Maryland Apple Corps was our 25th Anniversary Celebration luncheon featuring Steve Wozniak and several other speakers with loads of free and valuable prizes for everyone. We still have some T-shirts available that were made for the occasion.

What about the future? Although most of the officers and many board members are the same as ten years ago, although the number of members is roughly the same, there have been many changes. Our programs now have to be produced by our own members. Major software and hardware companies have cut out their traveling presenters and free giveaways. Our website is becoming an important part of our organization and we communicate with everyone with email, rather than postcards. We haven’t produced a newsletter in over a year – we need to replace that with an electronic version of some sort – perhaps a blog. We have a List-Serve, which is also an important aid to ask and answer questions and help each other.

With all of the rest of the changes in the computer world, this organization needs to continue to change, as do all organizations. For eight years I have been fortunate to be able to work with a terrific group of officers and board members who make this all happen. I want to thank them for their dedicated work. They are:

Vice President – Pete Saybolt
Treasurer – Merry Perry
Secretary – Harris Silverstone
Club Ambassador – Steve Fox
Program Chairperson – Steve Webber
Meetings Coordinator – Larry Carton
Hospitality Chairperson – Diane Moskowitz
Greeter – Toddy Haciski
Newsletter Editor - Paul Spenard
Webmaster – Eileen Samberg
Board members - Marvin Dean, Dave Dilworth, Roz Pearlman, Chris Yavelow
Club Ambassador Emeritus – Mical Carton

I also want to thank you – the members, who regularly come and share your knowledge and experience and help your fellow Mac Users. I strongly believe in our Mission – to help others to better use and enjoy their Macintosh computers. The most satisfying experience, the reason for the existence of the MD Apple Corps, is this mission. We need you, our members, to help yourselves and others with this rewarding opportunity by getting more involved with your organization. Join the board, review a book, make a presentation, and share your ideas and expertise with others. The future always presents challenges and opportunities. Take this opportunity to get involved. You’ll be glad you did.

To keep the Maryland Apple Corps changing and serving its members, I believe it is in the best interest of our group for others to become more active – to permit new ideas and energy to guide the future. Of course I will remain an active board member, contributing whatever help I can. It has been a privilege and a pleasure and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you.

Arno Drucker, President (soon to be Past President)
Maryland Apple Corps

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