O'Reilly News for User Group Members
April 13, 2007
New Releases
-40 Digital Photo Retouching Techniques with Photoshop Elements
-A Grammar of Game Play
-Ajax: The Definitive Guide: Rough Cuts Version
-Beyond Schemas: Planning Your XML Model (PDF Shortcut)
-C# 3.0 in a Nutshell: Rough Cuts Edition
-Checking Java Programs (PDF Shortcut)
-Closeup Shooting
-Designing BSD Rootkits
-Devices of the Soul
-DIY Coffee--Make: Projects
-Essential SharePoint 2007: Rough Cuts Edition
-Facelets (PDF Short Cut)
-Ferret (PDF Short Cut)
-GarageBand Tips and Tricks
-High Performance Web Sites: Rough Cuts Version
-Low Budget Shooting
-Managing RPM-Based Systems with Kickstart and Yum (PDF Short Cut)
-No Fluff, Just Stuff Anthology
-Office 2007: The Missing Manual
-QuickBase: The Missing Manual
-Release It!
-Schematron (PDF Short Cut)
-Securing the Vista Environment (PDF Short Cut)
-SQL Injection Defenses (PDF Short Cut)
-SQL Server Integration Services (PDF Short Cut)
-Test Driven Ajax (on Rails) (PDF Short Cut)
-Understanding MySQL Internals
-Web Scripting Little Black Book
-Windows PowerShell: The Definitive Guide: Rough Cuts Version
Upcoming Events
-Peter Krogh, ASMP "It's Your Business" Series,
Louis, MO--Apr 14
-Eddie Tapp, Southeastern Professional Photographers Association,
Atlanta, GA--Apr 16
-Peter Morville, 2007 Association of Independent Information
Professionals Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN--Apr 21
-Stephen Johnson conducts a seminar on color management,
Pacifica, CA--Apr 21
-Jesse Liberty and Alex Horovitz at Microsoft MIX 07,
Las Vegas, NV--Apr 30-May 2
-Stephen Few at Technology Transfer in Italy, Rome, Italy--May 5-6
-Stephen Johnson conducts a California Coast Field Workshop,
Mendocino, CA--May 5-6
-O'Reilly at CRE8 Conference, Orlando, FL, May 9-10
-Stephen Johnson on digital black and White Photography,
Pacifica, CA--May 12
Conference News
-Registration is Open for OSCON 2007,
Portland, OR--July 23-27
-Registration is Open for Ubuntu Live,
Portland, OR--July 22-24
-Last Chance--Register for Web 2.0 Expo,
San Francisco, CA--Apr 15-18
-Register for the MySQL Conference and Expo,
Santa Clara, CA--Apr 23-26
-Register for Where 2.0, San Jose, CA--May 29-30
-Register for the O'Reilly Tools of Change Conference,
San Jose, CA--Jun 18-20
-April is Web 2.0 Month at O'Reilly
-License our Content
-Maker Faire 2007 Tickets on Sale, SF Bay Area--May 19-20
-Jolt Award Winners: Third Year in a Row!
-What's All This Fuss About Erlang?
-Create Your Own O'Reilly Shirt or Mug
-O'Reilly School of Technology Courses: UG Members Receive
a 30% Discount
-The lighttpd Web Server
-PHP Search Engine Showdown
-Lightroom Getting Started: Creating Identity Plates in Lightroom
-Robert Leslie on Shooting TED and Using Aperture
-Digital Media Insider Podcast 10: Annoying Audio
_Build a Photo Gallery Using CakePHP and Flickr
-Apple TV: State of the Hacks
-Introducing Google Desktop for Mac
-A Chat with Nobi
-The Logic of Service-Orientation Plus 14 SO Tenets and Practical
-Logging with Custom Web Events
-Controlling Threads by Example
-Using Groovy to Send Emails
-The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
-How-to Flip A Web Site Fixer-upper
-Making Money With Web Communities
New Releases--Books, Short Cuts, and Rough Cuts
Get 35% off from O'Reilly, No Starch, Paraglyph, PC Publishing,
Pragmatic Bookshelf, SitePoint, or YoungJin books you purchase directly
from O'Reilly.
Just use code DSUG when ordering online or by phone 800-998-9938.
Free ground shipping on orders of $29.95 or more.
For more details, go to:
Did you know you can request a free book or PDF to review for your
group? Ask your group leader for more information.
For book review writing tips and suggestions, go to:
***40 Digital Photo Retouching Techniques with Photoshop Elements
Publisher: Young Jin
ISBN 10: 8931433700
With digital camera usage now established, the demand for easy,
affordable photo editing tools has increased. Adobe's Photoshop Elements
leads the way as an affordable image editing tool. This easy-to-follow,
full-color guide shows all digital photographers how to make their
photos look their best with dozens of well-organized, hands-on
techniques. Readers learn how to change or replace a color, enhance
faces, fix burred images, correct poor exposures, create a slide show,
and more.
***A Grammar of Game Play
Publisher: Paraglyph Press
ISBN 10: 1933097159
In this sequel to his bestselling and award-winning book, master game
designer Raph Koster now takes on the inner workings of how games are
expertly designed by professionals. Using the latest thinking from game
studies as well as years of experience, games are broken down and
revealed as models of reality. Readers will learn how games tick, how
they teach, and what sorts of things they can communicate. In this
highly unique book, Koster takes the reader on a thought-provoking
journey with the goal being to develop a unique grammar and approach for
designing games.
***Ajax: The Definitive Guide: Rough Cuts Version
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 059651381X
Ajax builds on older technologies and techniques but reaches a tipping
point where the results are new. This book gives you a boost to this
next stage of web application development, revealing ways to apply Ajax
solutions to classically difficult web interface and structure issues.
Learn to build browser-based applications that function like desktop
programs, using sophisticated server-aware approaches that give users
information when they need it.
***Beyond Schemas: Planning Your XML Model (PDF Shortcut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596527705
Have you ever wondered how to get started writing your own schema? As
you prepare to create your schema, you must consider a number of
factors. This guide explains each of those factors in detail and
recommends an approach for documenting your schema development plan in
an information model.
***C# 3.0 in a Nutshell: Rough Cuts Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596513895
Get a jump on C# 3.0 with this all-new edition of O'Reilly's classic "C#
3.0 In a Nutshell." Completely rewritten to encompass changes to the C#
language planned for the "Orcas" release of Visual Studio, this is the
one reference experienced programmers will want to have at hand as they
put its new features to work.
***Checking Java Programs (PDF Shortcut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596510233
This Short Cut tells you about tools that will improve the quality of
your Java code, using checking above and beyond what the standard tools
do, including: Using javac, options, JUnit and assertions, Making your
IDE work harder, Checking your source code with PMD, Checking your
compiled code (.class files) with FindBugs, and Checking your program's
run-time behavior with Java PathFinder.
***Closeup Shooting
Publisher: Rocky Nook
ISBN 10: 1933952091
Cyrill Harnischmacher explains all aspects of close-up shooting for both
inside the studio, as well as outdoors. This book is filled with
beautifully illustrated examples and detailed instructions on how to set
up a system and workflow for successful close-up photography.
***Designing BSD Rootkits
Publisher: No Starch Press
ISBN 10: 1593271425
"Designing BSD Rootkits" introduces the fundamentals of programming and
developing rootkits under the FreeBSD operating system. In addition to
explaining rootkits and rootkit writing, the book aims to inspire
readers to explore the FreeBSD kernel and gain a better understanding of
the kernel and the FreeBSD operating system itself. Written in a
friendly, accessible style and sprinkled with geek humor and pop culture
references, the author favors a "learn by example" approach that assumes
no prior kernel hacking experience.
***Devices of the Soul
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596526806
In this deeply thoughtful work, the author reviews our technological
dreams of improvement and destruction, finding both possibilities where
others see only one or the other. His tour of the technical landscape
leads from Odysseus' wonderful technological deceits to the world of the
blind and mentally handicapped; from the technical marvels of the
Amazonian blow-gun to the wholesale re-engineering of organisms through
genetic engineering; from computers as substitutes for teachers,
students, and schools, to the paradoxical role of technology in
distancing us from the natural world--so that, if we are willing, we
can learn to love this world and master the technology that increasingly
dominates it.
***DIY Coffee--Make: Projects
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596514395
Got a jones for caffeine and technology? Mod your espresso machine to
dial in the perfect shot, with precise temperature control and a filter
hack that kicks out maximum tasty crema. Roast your own with a
hand-built custom coffee roaster. Hack a toaster timer to perfect-brew
your tea every time. And fire up your coffee pot from the internet using
X10 automation. Using home-grown techniques and off-the-shelf parts,
caffeine junkies will find everything they need to overclock the fix
from their favorite shade-grown beverage.
***Essential SharePoint 2007: Rough Cuts Edition
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596514344
If you're considering the vastly improved 2007 version of SharePoint,
this concise, practical and friendly guide will teach you how to get the
most from Microsoft's latest information-sharing and collaboration
platform. Essential SharePoint 2007 demonstrates how your business can
use SharePoint to control documents, structure workflow, and share
information over the Web using standard tools business users already
know--Microsoft Office and Internet Explorer.
***Facelets (PDF Short Cut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596529244
This Short Cut begins with an explanation of what Facelets is, how it
works, and what it will do for you. Then, it shows you how to install
Facelets, and teaches you how to build Facelets templates, how to create
UI components without writing a single line of Java code, how to create
custom Facelets tags, how to integrate AJAX into a Facelets application,
and more.
***Ferret (PDF Short Cut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596527853
This Short Cut will show you how to quickly get up and running with
Ferret. You'll learn how to index different document types such as PDF,
Microsoft Word, and HTML, as well as how to deal with foreign languages
and different character encodings. This document describes the Ferret
Query Language in detail along with the object-oriented approach to
building queries.
***GarageBand Tips and Tricks
Publisher: PC Publishing
ISBN 10: 1870775198
Some dismiss GarageBand as a toy. But that's just plain silly. Yes it
does lack the high-end features of some of the more expensive recording
software programs. But rest assured, there are plenty of useful
work-arounds and tips and tricks to be had. For those in the know,
GarageBand provides all the power tools needed to produce stunning,
CD-quality audio projects. Read this book and all will be revealed.
***High Performance Web Sites: Rough Cuts Version
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596514212
Want to speed up your web site? This book presents 14 specific rules
that will cut 20% to 25% off response time when users request a page.
Author Steve Souders, in his job as Chief Performance Yahoo!, collected
these best practices while optimizing some of the most-visited pages on
the Web. Even sites that had already been highly optimized were able to
benefit from these surprisingly simple performance guidelines.
***Low Budget Shooting
Publisher: Rocky Nook
ISBN 10: 1933952105
Filled with full-color images and easy-to-follow text, this book shows
how to build essential lighting and studio equipment; how to make the
perfect light-table for shooting small objects; and how to build
reflectors, soft-boxes, and light-tents that really work. It also tells
where to get some of the little helpers that make a photographer's life
so much easier. This clever little book is a creative and valuable
resource for most any photographer.
***Managing RPM-Based Systems with Kickstart and Yum (Short Cut PDF)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596513828
Managing multiple Red Hat-based systems can be easy--with the right
tools. The yum package manager and the Kickstart installation utility
are full of power and potential for automatic installation,
customization, and updates. Here's what you need to know to take control
of your systems.
***No Fluff, Just Stuff Anthology
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
ISBN 10: 0978739280
The No Fluff, Just Stuff Symposium Series is a traveling conference
series for software developers visiting 27 cities a year. No Fluff has
put on over 75 symposia throughout the US. and Canada, with more than
12,000 attendees so far. Its success has been a result of focusing on
high quality technical presentations, great speakers, and no marketing
hype. Now this world-class material is available to you in print for the
first time.
***Office 2007: The Missing Manual
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596514220
Quickly learn the most useful features of Microsoft Office 2007 with our
easy to read four-in-one guide. This fast-paced book gives you the
basics of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access so you can start using the
new versions of these major Office applications right away. It's a great
way to master all 4 programs without having to stock up on a shelf-load
of different books.
***QuickBase: The Missing Manual
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596529600
Ready to put Intuit's QuickBase to work? Our new Missing Manual shows
you how to capture, modify, share, and manage data and documents with
this web-based data-sharing program quickly and easily. You'll learn how
to choose among QuickBase's dozens of ready-made applications and
customize one to fit your needs so you can filter, sort, and group data,
display it several ways, create reports, and assign people to different
***Release It!
Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Everything changes after Release 1.0. The consultants leave; key
developers get reassigned to new projects, and the wild and free
environment of development gets replaced by change review boards and
defect reports. And the public starts beating on the system. Your
application needs to be ready to live in that environment--without you.
***Schematron (PDF Short Cut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596527713
Schematron is a rule-based XML schema language, offering flexibility and
power that W3C XML schema, RELAX NG, and DTDs simply can't match. You
need Schematron and can't settle for other languages if you have to
check rules that go beyond checking the document structures (i.e.,
checking that an element bar is included in element foo) and their
datatypes. Schematron is the right tool for checking conditions such as
"startDate is earlier than or equal to endDate."
***Securing the Vista Environment (PDF Short Cut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596514301
"Securing the Vista Environment" takes you on a quick tour of the most
significant security features in Vista, Microsoft's first revision of
Windows in almost six years. You'll get background on threats and
vulnerabilities that will make you think differently about security.
***SQL Injection Defenses (PDF Short Cut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596529643
This Short Cut introduces you to how SQL injection vulnerabilities work,
what makes applications vulnerable, and how to protect them. It helps
you find your vulnerabilities with analysis and testing tools and
describes simple approaches for fixing them in the most popular
web-programming languages.
***SQL Server Integration Services (PDF Short Cut)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596513755
This Short Cut begins with an overview of key SSIS concepts,
capabilities, standard workflow and ETL elements, the development
environment, execution, deployment, and migration from Data
Transformation Services (DTS).
***Test Driven Ajax (on Rails)
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596510659
This Short Cut seeks fixes for the hardest situation in web development;
proactive test cases for Ajax code. We survey existing techniques, and
invent new ones. Our goal is heads-down programming, without repeatedly
clicking on a web browser.
***Understanding MySQL Internals
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596009577
Although MySQL's source code is open in the sense of being publicly
available, it's essentially closed to you if you don't understand it.
This book provides a comprehensive tour of MySQL 5 that shows you how to
figure out the inner-workings of this powerful database. You'll learn
how data structures and convenience functions operate, how to add new
storage engines and configuration options, and much more.
***Web Scripting Little Black Book
Publisher: Paraglyph Press
ISBN 10: 1933097191
The Web Scripting Little Black Book will help administrators take full
advantage of the most popular scripting languages and extensions,
covering topics such as automating Web pages and managing content,
database setups and automation, essential e-commerce scripts, user
support topics, securing scripts, FTP access and much more.
***Windows PowerShell: The Definitive Guide: Rough Cuts Version
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596514328
Written by Microsoft PowerShell team developer and blogger Lee Holmes,
this book is a complete Windows PowerShell language learning resource as
well as a tool for day-to-day administration. Not only will you learn
the essentials of the PowerShell scripting language and environment,
you'll find nearly 250 tested scripts that you can use to automate an
impressive variety of tasks. Ideal for those who administer Exchange
2007 and MOM v3.
Publisher: O'Reilly
ISBN 10: 0596006349
XQuery delivers a carefully paced tutorial that goes into the final 1.0
standard in detail. The book delves into critical advanced issues such
as data typing and designing efficient query logic. Whether you're
coming from SQL, XSLT, or starting from scratch, you'll learn about
XQuery's support for filtering, sorting, and grouping data, as well as
how to use FLWR expressions, XPath, and XQuery tools for extracting and
combining information.
***MAKE Magazine Subscriptions
MAKE Magazine Subscriptions
The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you
subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--one plus four
more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this
great offer for UG Members: five volumes for the cost of four.
Subscribe at:
***Craft Magazine Subscriptions
The annual subscription price for four issues is $34.95. When you
subscribe with this link, you'll get a free issue--the first one plus
four more for $34.95. So subscribe for yourself or friends with this
great offer for charter subscribers: five volumes for the cost of four.
Subscribe at:
Upcoming Events
***For more events, please see:
***Peter Krogh, ASMP "It's Your Business" Series, Louis, MO--Apr 14
Author Peter Krogh ("The DAM Book: Digital Asset Management for
Photographers") will be teaching the "Get Your DAM Stuff Together" track
for ASMP's "It's Your Business" Series.
***Ignite at the Web 2.0 Expo, April 15
If you had five minutes on stage what would you say? What if you only
got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Would you
pitch a project? Launch a web site? Teach a hack? We’re going to find
out when we try our first Ignite event at Web 2.0 Expo. Happening Sunday
evening, this will be a high-energy event. If you're not attending
Web 2.0 Expo, register for the exhibit hall pass to get in.
***Eddie Tapp, Southeastern Professional Photographers Association,
Atlanta, GA--Apr 16
Author Eddie Tapp ("Photoshop Workflow Setups" and "Practical
Color Management") is one of the speakers at this year's event.
***Peter Morville, 2007 Association of Independent Information
Professionals Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN--Apr 21, 2007
Peter Morville ("Information Architecture for the World Wide Web,
Third Edition" and "Ambient Findability") presents "Ambient
Findability" at the 2007 AIIP Annual Conference.
***Stephen Johnson conducts a seminar on color management,
Pacifica, CA--Apr 21
Join Stephen Johnson ("Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography") in a
one-day exploration of color management in theory and practice. The day
is designed to get you comfortable with the concepts and architecture of
color management and build practical experience in using profiles in
printing. Monitor calibration and print profiles will be explained and
you will have hands-on experience making both.
***Jesse Liberty and Alex Horovitz at Microsoft MIX 07,
Las Vegas, NV--Apr 30-May 2
Join Jesse Liberty ("Programming .NET 3.0" and "Learning C# 2005, Second
Edition") and Alex Horovitz ("Programming .NET 3.0" and "Getting Started
with .NET 3.0") for their panel sessions at this sold out event.
***Stephen Few at Technology Transfer, Rome, Italy--May 5-6
Author Stephen Few ("Information Dashboard Design") presents three days
of workshops at Residenza di Ripetta.
***Stephen Johnson conducts a California Coast Field Workshop,
Mendocino, CA--May 5-6
Join Stephen Johnson ("Stephen Johnson on Digital Photography") as he
explores the landscape of Mendocino and the North Coast.
***O'Reilly at CRE8 Conference, Orlando, FL, May 9-10
The conference for creative and technical professionals featuring
keynote address by Al Gore has been scheduled for May 9-10, 2007 with
pre and post conference sessions on the 8th and 11th at the Disney
Coronado Resort in Orlando, FL. Don't miss speaker Derrick Story,
coauthor of iPhoto 6: The Missing Manual and author of Digital
Photography Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition. Stop by the O'Reilly booth to say
hi, peruse our titles, and meet our expert authors.
***Stephen Johnson conducts a seminar on digital black and white
photography, Pacifica, CA--May 12
Join Stephen Johnson as he explores black and white photography in the
digital age from file to print. Discussions will include scanning film,
conversion from color files, using filtered color for traditional tonal
effects, duotones controls for tonal tuning, in addition to various
black and white printing options and papers.
Conference News
***Registration is now open for OSCON 2007, Portland, OR
--July 23-27
Use code "os07dsug" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price.
To register for the conference, go to:
***Registration is Now Open for Ubuntu Live, Portland, OR
--July 22-24
Use code "ubu07dusg" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price.
To register for the conference, go to:
***Last Chance--Register for Web 2.0 Expo, San Francisco, CA
--Apr 15-18
The Web 2.0 Expo is the first event specifically designed to help teach
Web 2.0 techniques and best practices to people in the trenches directly
involved in the design, development, engineering, marketing, and
business of second-generation internet technology.
****Register for the MySQL Conference and Expo,
Santa Clara, CA--Apr 23-26
Co-presented by O'Reilly Media and MySQL AB
Use code "mys07ugmy" when you register and receive 15% off
the registration price.
To register for the conference, go to:
***Register for Where 2.0, San Jose, CA--May 29-30
Use code "whr07dsug" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price.
To register for the conference, go to:
***Register for the O'Reilly Tools of Change Conference,
San Jose, CA--Jun 18-20
Use code "toc07dsug" when you register, and receive 15% off
the registration price.
To register for the conference, go to:
For complete conference information, go to:
News From O'Reilly & Beyond
General News
***April is Web 2.0 Month at O'Reilly
We've put together a special resource page dedicated to Web 2.0
essentials including books, Short Cuts, articles, courses, and info
about the upcoming Web 2.0 Expo.
***License our Content
We are pleased to announce our partnership with CCC's Rightslink
service. You can now purchase reprint rights to our book content to
reuse on your corporate internet, intranet, in newsletters, magazines,
and course packs. This same tool makes it easy for you to browse much
more of our books online before deciding to make a purchase.
***Maker Faire 2007 Tickets on Sale, SF Bay Area--May 19-20
Join us for MAKE magazine's Maker Faire--a hands-on event featuring
Makers whose science and technology projects will amaze you and ignite
your imagination. Meet Expert Makers, MAKE contributors, authors, attend
DIY Tutorials, explore DIY projects and demonstrations, and more.
For more information or to purchase tickets, go to:
***Jolt Award Winners:Third Year in a Row!
"Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design" won the coveted Jolt
Award (the top prize) and "CSS: The Missing Manual" won the Productivity
***What's All This Fuss about Erlang?
What is Erlang? Why is it different? Why is everyone talking about it?
Find the answers to your questions.
***Create Your Own O'Reilly Shirt or Mug
In three easy steps you can create your own O'Reilly shirt or mug.
*** O'Reilly School of Technology Courses: UG Members Receive
a 30% Discount
O'Reilly School of Technology has opened its virtual doors with
educational offerings and certification for IT students looking to
further their careers or to launch one. As an O'Reilly User Group
member, you save on all the courses in the following University of
Illinois Certificate Series:
-Linux/Unix System Administration
-Web Programming
-Open Source Programming
-.NET Programming
-Client-Side Web Programming featuring AJAX
To redeem, use Promotion Code "ORALL1," good for a 30% discount,
in Step #2 of the enrollment process. Each course comes with a free
O'Reilly book and a 7-day money-back guarantee.
Register online:
Open Source
***The lighttpd Web Server
Apache is the 800-pound gorilla in the web server arena, but a plucky
young featherweight called lighttpd is knocking at the door--and already
powering some of the best-known and highly frequented sites on the
***PHP Search Engine Showdown
Your users know exactly what they want to find on your web site, but
they just can't find it. If only your site had a good search engine.
Michael Douma and his team recently compared several different search
engines for PHP sites.
Digital Media
***Lightroom Getting Started: Creating Identity Plates in Lightroom
You can personalize the Lightroom environment by creating Identity
Plates that appear throughout the application for a nice aesthetic
touch. They also have very practical purposes as they can be used to
identify slideshows, web galleries, and prints. Here’s how to set up an
Identity Plate of your own.
***Robert Leslie on Shooting TED and Using Aperture
Event photographers need all the help they can get to survive the
grueling hours and gigabytes of data they amass. Pro shooter Robert
Leslie just completed one of the most challenging events of all, the TED
conference in Monterey, California.
***Digital Media Insider Podcast 10: Annoying Audio
Peter Drescher designed the sounds for everything from After Dark
screensavers to the T-Mobile Sidekick. Hear what it takes to annoy (and
thrill) this top ringtone composer.
***Build a Photo Gallery Using CakePHP and Flickr
Is the Flickr interface doing justice to your stunning snaps? It's time
to consider customization. Jonathan shows us the ropes in his hands-on
tutorial, as he uses CakePHP and the Flickr API to build an attractive,
fully customized gallery that displays Flickr photos to their best
***Apple TV: State of the Hacks
Erica Sadun has been hacking away on the new Apple TV and presents this
"State of the Hacks" roundup of what people are doing with their Apple
TV boxes. Discover what kinds of mods are out there and whether they're
the right fit for your needs and abilities.
***Introducing Google Desktop for Mac
Giles Turnbull takes an in-depth look at Google Desktop for the Mac,
putting the recently released OS X version of Google's desktop search
product through its paces. Learn what Google Desktop can do for you, how
it does it, and why it needs to install itself with high-level
permissions on your system.
***A Chat with Nobi
Chris Stone interviews longtime Japanese Mac journalist Nobuyuki "Nobi"
Hayashi. Nobi shares his thoughts on this year's MacWorld, gives hints
for Mac developers wanting to cross the Pacific, and explains why Apple
TV won't be the next big thing in Japan, but what might instead.
***The Logic of Service-Orientation Plus 14 SO Tenets and Practical
What exactly is service orientation, and what does it mean for the
future of the software industry? What are the principles that should
guide any developer using it? In this excerpt from Programming WCF
Services, Juval Lowy explains what it's about and offers practical
principles for its use.
***Logging with Custom Web Events
Every serious ASP.NET application requires logging. Jesse Liberty shows
how to use the little-known ASP.NET Health Monitoring system to create a
robust and extensible, yet minimal, logging system that will send email
in a crisis and routinely log to a database.
***Controlling Threads by Example
The methods people commonly think of for controlling threads were
deprecated long ago, and are not safe to use. In this article, Viraj
Shetty shows the appropriate techniques for starting, pausing, resuming,
and stopping activities taking place in a multithreaded application.
***Using Groovy to Send Emails
Groovy is one of the more popular dynamic languages for the JVM. It has
a familiar syntax, reduces large amounts of scaffolding code, and
integrates seamlessly with Java. Learning Groovy means gaining access to
all of the richness emerging in the dynamic language world while still
leveraging the skills, infrastructure, and libraries you already have
from the Java world. This is a quick tutorial showing how to send emails
from Groovy using Java libraries.
***The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
Does your heart soar when you see great web page designs...and
break when you look at your own? You don't need to go to art school
to create those sweet designs, as Jason explains. Read his hands-on
tour of the underlying concepts of web page layout and composition
***How-to Flip A Web Site Fixer-upper
Want to buy and sell web sites for profit? In this practical guide,
experienced site flipper Peter steps through the process, providing
tips to keep you from the common pitfalls, and showing how to add
value that translates to real profits when you sell.
***Making Money With Web Communities
Run a large web community and looking to monetize it?
Chris explains the ins-and-outs of monetizing blogs,
forums, and more.
Until next time--
Marsee Henon
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
http://ug.oreilly.com/ http://ug.oreilly.com/creativemedia/