Harris Silverstone discussed Mac Tips until 7pm. Refreshments were provided and prizes given.
A Navy veteran, Drew Janssen began civilian investigative work in the 1990's. He worked for one of the earliest Internet Service Providers, ClarkNet. Then he consulted for other ISPs in data recovery and forensics. Drew Janssen is lead investigator for PerheJanssen, Inc. (Loss Prevention Consulting) and DriveRescue, Inc. (Data Rescue). Drew gave a very interesting presentation from an insider's viewpoint on Hard Drives and Data Recovery. He went first because he was scheduled to give another presentation after our meeting. He had more than eight presentation to give that day. First he used the blackboard to show how a hard drive is designed and then were given one to look at with the case removed. The exposed smooth metal disc and read/write head and strong magnet that holds the arm above the disc. Rotational technology is flawed although the Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) may be 85 years. Killers of hard drives are Heat, Cold, Shock, and Vibration. The condensate from the atmosphere inside the drive can create a water drop. Water can evaporate with no damage to the drive. But, if you use a drive with water inside the drive can lose data. The same for a hot drive that gets cold. Wait for the drive to reach equilibrium. The space between the disc and read/write head (50 microns) is half of the thickness of a human hair (100 microns). If it drags more than one inch your drive is dead. Just like a lathe removing tiny metal flakes into the hard drive case. With enough metal flakes the read/write head becomes a sanding block and will damage the whole surface of the drive. Laptops should not use 2.5inch large capacity and fast hard drives. Over 120 GB should be in a external case. Laptops now are called portables because they are too hot to hold on your lap. Drives now are made of glass/ceramics because they are less warped by heat and immune to electric shock damage. Corecivity of magnetism refers to heat decreases magnetism. At what is called the Curie Point there is loss of magnetism, synthetic magnets have very high Curie Points about 500 degrees F, but have loss as low as 300 degrees F. Drives are designed to work hot. The larger the drive case, the metal mass increase, the more likely that heat will be dissipated without damage. With too large a magnetic charge on the drive head the new drives are in danger of writing data on nearby tracks as well. Larger capacity drives must pack more tracks into less space. New drives are 5400 RPM or 7200 RPM and easy to destroy by dropping them. Apple and others now have sensors that move the drive head to a safe parking spot when the drive is dropped. On the drive is a chip with the Primary Defect Table (PDT). If you send the drive to be repaired or have the data removed it might be possible to move the discs into another case if one can be found like it. Often a drive dies at five years. Even a like case will have a different PDT and the Grown Defect Table (GDT) that is stored on tracks -1, -2, and -3 may be damaged. Track 0 is the Drive Catalog and may be all that is damaged. There are ways to correct the bad bock information. Failure rates of drives from different manufacturers differ. Samsung drives are the least likely to fail, followed by Seagate and Hitachi (IBM). For 3.5 inch Drives Toshiba and Fujitsu are good. Maxtor is now owned by Seagate and better than in the past. Quantum is gone and was bought by Maxtor. Western Digital is the least likely to be recovered due to drives made on the same month and year come from about twenty different plants and are not the same inside. Drew Janssen, President/CEO DriveRescue, Inc., Professional Data Recovery, for Mac, PC and Linux, drew@driverescue.net, www.driverescue.net <http://www.driverescue.net/> , Lab: 410-698-1241
Cel: 410-493-7022
Pat Fauquet, Past President and currently Mac Programs Chairman of the Washington Apple Pi. gave a lively presentation on Apple TV. Now you can view what you have on your iPhone, Mac, home networked devices, internet , etc. on your Television or video projector without running cables all over your home. Apple TV has a 40 or 160 GB hard drive to record content to show and frees your computer for other tasks. Apple TV has WiFi and is like Tivo. If you need an extra, small Apple remotes are available for $29. For the demonstration her Apple TV was connected to the new Apple Airport Extreme with Provisional standard 802.11N Long Range WiFi. For lack of the low resolution cable from the new iMac to the club’s video projector a bit of magic was needed. Pat’s iPhone connected to the Apple TV, so we were able to see how it works and learn more about the iPhone. Early iPhone adopters will get a $100 discount on future purchases at Apple following the $200 drop in price just announced by Steve Jobs. A German reporter’s photo who interviewed Pat this week was displayed from her iPhone. Ringtones, Music, Photos, Podcasts, and Video material are stored on the iPhone. Apple now allows the new iTunes to create iPhone personal ringtones from your favorite music at Apple’s iTunes Store for $0.99 each. Harris Silverstone’s laptop and the video projector were able to show web access and demonstrate EyeTV by elGato which is like Apple TV minus WiFi. The new 24-inch iMac was large enough to demonstrate other features and Front Row Apple remote software. Pat has a lot of kids movies on her iMac for her young grandchildren to access easily. No more reversed floppy discs! MyMac, Mac Break, Mac Voices with Chuck Joiner, and Maria Speaks are some of the Podcasts she subscribes to. Pat Fauquet trains Mac Geeks on 10 day Geek Cruises and she and Bob Levitus will be at Tyson’s Corner after Apple’s release in October, 2007 for one day Leopard Mac OS 10.5 training for $99. Pat Fauquet patf@mac.com Mouse Calls for help at www.boblevitus.com <http://www.boblevitus.com/> $120/hour online or phone. Washington Apple Pi Macintosh User Group at www.wap.org <http://www.wap.org/> . Geek Cruises www.geekcruises.com <http://www.geekcruises.com/> .